Telekinesis was an ability bred into dragons, which allowed dragons to move objects without physical touch. The ability was first demonstrated in the Ninth Pass by Zaranth, a green dragon from Monaco Bay Weyr.
Telekinesis allows a dragon to move an object without touching it. Controlling telekinesis requires at least two dragons, one to move the object and another to slow down the object. Experimentation with the ability revealed that pairs of male and female dragons tend to work best as partners in this effort. Exposure to the insects known as trundlebugs have proven to be an excellent way to awaken the ability in a dragon, if an unusual way.
Though not discovered as an active ability until the Ninth Pass, it has been theorized that telekinesis may have existed as a passive ability. Dragons are capable of physically carrying any object they think that can lift, suggesting that telekinesis is used to mentally lift the extra load. In addition, it has been suggested that telekinesis assists in providing lift, meaning that a dragon needs less wingspan for flight, which allows less surface area to be exposed to Thread. Interestingly, telekinesis has not been observed in fire lizards, the genetic predecessors of dragons.
For most of Pern's history, dragons showed no sign of using telekinesis. When AIVAS was rediscovered in the Ninth Pass, he believed the dragons, already possessing telepathic and teleportation abilities, should be able to also use telekinesis. Though AIVAS had hoped to use this ability as part of his project to move the Red Star, there was little time to study the ability. Ultimately, other methods were used to move the Red Star.
Some turns later, Zaranth, a green dragon from Monaco Bay Weyr, became the first dragon to show the ability to use telekinesis. She had initially used the ability to deflect trundlebugs away from herself, as trundlebugs were known to give off a foul odor if disturbed. Her rider Tai discovered the ability alongsideF'lessan, a wingleader from Benden Weyr. Zaranth tried to teach Golanth, with limited success.
However, when the pair were attacked by felines, Zaranth was able to teach Golanth and the rescuing dragons how to use telekinesis to remove the felines. In the aftermath, F'lar and Lessa, alongside their dragons, studied the ability, with Lessa's dragon Ramoth considering it a useful ability for all to know.
Dedicated study into ancient records of fire lizards and early dragon training gave little insight into the origins of the ability. While the full potential of telekinesis was still being explored, it was suggested that telekinesis could be used to defend the planet by deflecting meteors and other space rocks from impacting on Pern. In any case, the knowledge that telekinesis was possible appeared to give dragons new purpose, as many dragons were seen to be in better color than previously.