Pern Wiki

The Tannercrafthall at Igen Hold is a major hall for Tannercraft.

Major Hall[]

Handly to the central trade routes, the maim Tannercrafthall in Igen is able to stay on top of fashions and trends in boots and other leatherwear.

The main Hall teaches the basics of tannery to any interested student; fact, the Tannercraft has one of the most active Craft school for nonapprentices, since the needs and applications for cured hides are many. Most people have some knowledge of the basics, whether they learn them here or from the tanners back in their home Holds.

  • Craftmasters: Belesdan
  • Masters:
  • Journeymen:
  • Other:

Minor Halls[]

  • Masters:
  • Journeymen:

Other known crafters[]

  • Masters:
  • Journeymen: Ligand
  • Apprentices:
  • Other:
