Raid was Lord Holder of Benden Hold late in the Eighth Interval and early in the Ninth Pass.
Raid had a good relationship with his father, Maidir. He was succeeded by his son, Toronas.
While he was still a young man, Raid met young Robinton after Robinton's mother Merelan accepted a teaching assignment at Benden. Robinton found Raid to be a bit stuffy and prim; but, since he had inherited his father’s sense of fair play, he would take criticism from any of the more senior members of the large group of people who managed the big Holding.
However, years later, when Maidir unexpectedly went between forever with S'loner, and Raid took over as Lord Holder, it was soon discovered that Raid would not honor his father's commitments; and, while he was well-trained and competent, he still lacked the touch that only experience would give him. One day, just before Robinton would have been at Benden two full Turns, Raid called him to his office and told him that since Robinton had been "soothing down disgruntled holders or denigrating my efforts behind my back," Robinton was released from his contract and Raid would request a replacement from the MasterHarper - "without prejudice, of course, since you have discharged your duties with efficiency and energy."
While Robinton was attending a wedding at Telgar Hold as Masterharper, he took special care to avoid Raid, who always asked him to sing an ancient lay about the holders.
When Threadfall began falling erratically, F'nor came to believe that Raid and Sifer of Bitra Hold felt that the change of Threadfall was a personal insult, dreamed up by Benden Weyr to annoy the faithful Holds of Pern.
Personality and Traits[]
Lord Raid had an unpleasant habit of reminding Benden Weyr riders of their loyalty at every opportunity.