Pern Wiki

Telgar Weyr

Morath was a green dragon at Telgar Weyr late in the First Interval and early in the Second Pass. Her rider was Debera.


Morath's egg was just hatching, as part of senior queen Meranath's clutch, when Debera came running into the Telgar Weyr Hatching Grounds. Debera's father Lavel, her fiancé Ganmar, and Ganmar's father Boris, who had been trying to prevent Debera from reaching the Hatching Ground, reacted badly to both the Impression and Morath's attempt to take Debera away. In Debera's defense, Morath attacked Lavel.

«He would hurt you. He would own you. You are mine and I am yours and none come between us» said Morath
— HC Dragonseye US editon pg 67

Afterwards, it was discovered that Debera had been Searched for the Hatching, but her father - «a known troublemaker» - attempted to keep her from attending so he could marry her off in return for a mining grant. Upon discovering this, Debera had ridden to the Weyr, arriving just as the Hatching began.

While she was looking at Iantine's sketch book, Morath said

«Yes, Shapes. You put the shapes on the pad with the thing in your hand?»
«Yes I do.» Ian replied.
— HC Dragonseye US editon pg 283


Morath was described to be the largest green from her clutch. Weyrleader K'vin thought that if she kept growing at the same rate she would be ready to test her wings by late spring.


Morath reacted well to anyone who paid a lot of attention to her. She would even speak to Iantine.

