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Master, or Master Craftsman, was a rank in the crafthalls. Masters of a craft were considered experts in their field.
Though certain specifics differed by craft, Masters shared several characteristics. A Master had undergone additional study in their craft and gained a certain amount of experience. Achieving a Mastery typically involved some sort of advanced testing. However, becoming a Master was not required to practice independently, and thus most Pernese crafters stopped progressing after reaching Journeyman status. Masters of a craft were marked by rank stones, gemstone decorations which varied based on craft. For example, sapphires were a mark of a Master in the Harpercraft. In some crafts, a Master would specialize in a certain aspect of the craft. For example, the Harpercraft had certain Masters designated as an authority in their area, such as Petiron, who specialized as a Master Composer. The overall leader of a craft, the Craftmaster, was always a Master of the craft, elected to the position by the collective Masters of a craft.
Masters often inhabited regional crafthalls, serving a Hold. They oversaw a number of journeymen and apprentices, depending on the size of the Hold. Masters usually received certain wages and privileges in exchange for their services, which was negotiated with the hold or weyr at which they were staffed. In the event that a Hold disregarded rules, a common punishment was for a craft to withdraw its masters, leaving only local apprentices and journeymen. In the event that a Master disregarded rules, they could be punished by the Craftmaster of their craft. Stripping a Master of their rank was a punishment reserved for extreme crimes.
Masters could also choose to remain at the main crafthall, where they were responsible for passing on craft knowledge through the teaching of apprentices. Masters usually oversaw a certain number of apprentices. Masters sometime chose apprentices who had an affinity for their own specialization. They also could punish journeymen or apprentices who did not follow the rules.
Masters Duties by Craft[]
Masters in the Fishercraft are usually captains of their own vessels. They will usually have maps that they have copied themselves, and are expected to know the best places to catch fish. Some masters may specialize in the building and maintenance of ships.
Masters in theGlasscraft often worked on complex projects. They were the only rank that were allowed to learn the necessary processes for producing colored glass.
Masters in the Harpercraft had the option of remaining in the Harper Hall or taking contracts. Master Harpers who took contracts often oversaw larger Holds, providing teaching and entertainment. They might be accompanied by one or more journeymen. Master Harpers who remained in the Hall could teach apprentices. Master Harpers had the option of specializing in a particular aspect of the craft, such as Composition, Singing, Instruments, and Drumming, amongst others.
Healercraft Masters were the doctors of Pern. Master Healers often specialized in a particular aspect of Medicine. Every Major Hall would have a urologist and a surgeon. However, general practitioners exist and are often found in remote areas. Some Masters will oversee apprentices and journeymen, who must learn on the job, unlike many other crafters.
Masters in the Smithcraft usually perform complex and intricate work, leaving everyday work to journeymen. Some Masters are known to prefer to create practical items, while others specialize in delicate or decorative items. Prior to their detachment into independent halls, Smithcrafters could specialize in wood or glass.