Pern Wiki

The First Interval was the 200-turn period between the end of the First Pass (58 turns after landing) and the beginning of the Second Pass (258 turns after landing).

Main article: Calendars and dating on Pern

Notable Events[]

One hundred twenty years after landing, the dolphins and humans lost contact; even so, the dolphins kept their end of the dolphin contract, waiting for some to remember the work they did.

Near the end of the interval, as the Second Pass grew closer, the leaders of Pern became concerned about the inevitable loss of knowledge and technology over the coming intervals and passes. They implemented several programs to help future Pernese detect the coming of Thread, including installing the Star Stones and Finger Rocks at each weyr.

Also late in the interval, Lord Holder Chalkin was impeached by the rest of the Lord Holders for his conduct in failing to prepare his hold for the upcoming Pass.
