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High Reaches Hold Crom Hold Nabol Hold Ruatha Hold

Fax, the self-styled «Lord of Seven Holds», was a greedy and ruthless man, late in the Eighth Interval, who set out to conquer the entire western coast of Pern's Northern Continent.


Early Life[]

Fax was the nephew of Faroguy, Lord Holder of High Reaches Hold. When Fax was in his mid-twenties, Faroguy granted him a hold in High Reaches, which Fax ran with brutal efficiency, demanding that they produce whatever he wanted them to produce. This heavy-handed style of management, combined with the fact that he would not allow Harpers in his holding, garnered the attention of a young Journeyman Harper named Robinton. While Robinton was harpering at High Reaches Hold, Fax was the undisputed wrestling and duelling champion and often tried to get Robinton into his matches. Robinton refused, citing the need to keep his harper hands undamaged so that he could play his instruments.

The Conquests Begin[]

Several Turns later, Faroguy died. Farevene, Faroguy's designated successor, was not confirmed as Lord Holder of High Reaches - because he had met his end at Fax's hands. As a result, Fax ruled High Reaches as its Lord Holder, a fact that, although it was recognized by other Lord Holders, was not challenged.

Fax then claimed Crom Hold, killing Lord Lesselden and two of his eldest sons and forcing his Lady to flee to Ruatha. Two minor holds then fell, the first being inside the borders of Tillek Hold. Fax was also believed to be behind the poisoning of Lord Melongel's runnerbeast, resulting in a serious injury that broke nearly every bone in the Tillek Lord Holder's body (Melongel died from the resulting fever). The second hold, Keogh, was conquered through trickery. Fax visited the hold and asked how they managed to be so prosperous - making himself a friend of the hold. Next, he sent a man to learn from the holder or buy from their stock - allowing the holder to prosper. Fax then planted the seeds of doubt against Harper Hall, revealing their «lies» and «exaggerations». Finally, he invited the holder to his Gathers and offered to send men to guard his hold while he was away, before finally killing the holder and his family and claiming his land.

After each hold conquest, there seemed to be a lull before Fax struck again. The fifth hold to fall was Nabol. This got the attention of their neighbor, Telgar, whose Lord Holder Tarathel invited Fax to his Gather in order to show off his guard companies (guard companies which were intended to keep Fax's troops off his lands). Tarathel was surprised when Fax accepted and this proved to be a fateful decision. Gifflen, one of Fax's guard captains, wounded Masterharper Robinton then killed the Benden Weyrleader F'lon in a duel, both of whom had been present at Tarathel's invitation. These acts convinced Tarathel — and his son and successor Larad — to be wary of Fax, believing him to be capable of just about anything.

After another minor hold fell under his dominion, Fax's eyes turned to Ruatha Hold. Masterharper Robinton attempted to persuade Lord Holder Kale of Ruatha of the possibility of Fax taking the Hold and its stock of runnerbeasts; but, Kale was far too trusting. Kale sold his runners to Fax, providing more money for his hold. Kale did not realize the truth in Robinton's warnings until it was far too late. Fax's troops invaded Ruatha and killed Lord Kale and his entire family… with the exception of one - Lessa.

The Fall of the Lord of Seven Holds[]

With seven holds under his dominion, four Lord Holders — Groghe of Fort, Sangel of Southern Boll, Larad of Telgar and Oterel of Tillek — bolstered by armed apprentices and journeymen from Harper Hall, confronted Fax in Ruatha. The «Lord of Seven Holds» snidely dismissed them and demanded they leave «his» lands. But his end came soon, and from a surprising source.

Ruatha had refused to be as prosperous as Fax desired (largely due to Lessa's ability to subconsciously control people) and he wished to know why. At the same time, F'lar, a Wingleader at Benden Weyr, went on Search to find a rider for the unhatched queen dragon, and accompanied Fax on his inspection of Ruatha. When they arrived at Ruatha, Fax demanded a feast from the Warder he had placed in charge of Ruatha while he ruled his holds from High Reaches. The meal was poorly prepared and even more poorly received. Fax announced that, if Ruatha could not support itself or the visit of its «rightful overlord», he would renounce it. When his Ruathan bride Gemma went into labor, Fax declared he would renounce Ruatha in favor of her issue, if it was male and if it survived — a promise that was heard and witnessed by all dragonmen present. That child, Jaxom, survived and had many great deeds ahead of him.

Once Jaxom was born, the source of the strange power revealed herself as Lessa, the last surviving child of Lord Kale, who had lived as a drudge during Fax's dominion. She declared that Ruatha now had a new Lord Holder. Fax attempted to renege on his promise, resulting in a confrontation with F'lar. After insulting the dragonriders, Fax entered into a deadly knife battle with the Benden dragonrider, who — despite some injury — killed the Lord of Seven Holds and ended his tyrannical reign over the innocents who had suffered because of it.

After Fax's death, his conquered holds were reorganized and new leaders were assigned. Lessa relinquished her Blood claim to Ruatha in favor of Jaxom and accompanied F'lar to Benden Weyr, where she Impressed Ramoth and became Weyrwoman at Benden. Bargen, the younger son of Lord Faroguy, who had hidden in the abandoned High Reaches Weyr during Fax's reign, was brought down to be confirmed as Lord Holder of High Reaches following Fax's death. Lytol, an ex-dragonrider, was chosen to act as Lord Warder of Ruatha Hold until Jaxom came of age.

Conquered Holds[]

Fax conquered a total of seven Holds, major and minor, before he was overthrown.

Personality and traits[]

Fax was known to be ruthless, condescending and violent. He demanded perfection from all who served him. He also had a distrust bordering on outright hatred for harpers and dragonriders. His greed and his vanity eventually led to his downfall.


The Renegades of Pern and The Masterharper of Pern both mention the «Seven Holds» conquered by Fax before his demise. Five (the four major Holds and Keogh Hold) remain constant in both sources, but the names of the two other minor Holds differ.

The Renegades of Pern gives this listing:

The Masterharper of Pern gives this listing:

Fax was also mentioned in this book as having invaded Ogren Hold and Lewis Hold some time after capturing Radharc Hold. Since these holds would already have been under his control as they were beholden to High Reaches (like Balen and Riverbend), it could be that they were against his rule.

Fax may have decided to count particularly prosperous minor holdings as a part of his «Seven Holds» and ignored the less productive minor holdings that fell under his control as a result of controlling the Major Hold.

