F'nor, born Famanoran, was the son of Benden Weyrleader F'lon, and Headwoman Manora. He became a wing-second at Benden Weyr late in the Eighth Interval and early in the Ninth Pass. His dragon was brown Canth. His half-brother was Falarnon, who later became F'lar.
Early Life and Impression[]
Famanoran was presented at one of Nemorth's clutches and Impressed brown Canth, at the same hatching at which his older half-brother impressed bronze Mnementh. Impression of the brown permanently shortened Famanoran's name to the rider's honorific of F'nor.
F'nor rose through the ranks and eventually became Wing-Second in F'lar's wing. F'lar trusted F'nor as he did no other person. After the first fall of Thread during the Ninth Pass, F'lar realized that they did not have enough riders to fight the menace. In a desperate attempt to have more riders ready to fight, and using the new-found ability to go between times as well as places, F'lar planned to send F'nor back ten Turns to the Southern Continent with forty young dragons and riders from Ramoth's first clutch, including the queen Prideth and her rider Kylara. When F'nor and Lessa traveled to the Southern Continent to scout a location, they were surprised to find it lush and green, having always believed it was otherwise. F'nor then traveled ten turns into the past, under orders from F'lar to limit his returns to the present time. F'nor remained at Southern for as long as he was able, but eventually he reported to F'lar that being in two places at once was extremely draining to the riders. The effort had been successful, however, as the group had been trained and Prideth had clutched to produce more dragons to combat the menace.
While in the midst of an errand for Manora to the Mastersmith, Fandarel, F'nor sustained a shoulder wound in an unwarranted attack by the provoked and dragon-roused T'reb. This was a grave breach of tenets and discipline to which all dragonriders were bound. F'nor was sent to the Southern Weyr to recover, under the care of Brekke.
While new to the empty land of the Southern continent, F'nor and Canth discovered a clutch of new hatched fire lizards, the distant cousins to dragonkind. F'nor, with Canth's aid, was able to hastily assemble several people from the Southern Weyr to Impress and save at least seven of the clutch. F'nor Impressed a golden queen he called Grall, and Brekke impressed a bronze which she named Berd. G'sel and Mirrim impressed others, much to the envy of their weyrwoman, Kylara.
During his recovery, F'nor discovered that he had developed feelings for Brekke. F'nor eventually discovered Brekke held him in mutual regard, reciprocating his love, and the two became lovers. Brekke's hesitation to reciprocate his feelings was revealed to be from the fact that she believed her queen Wirenth could only be flown by a bronze. F'nor vowed that when Brekke's Wirenth rose, his Canth would outfly the bronzes for Brekke and Wirenth both. F'nor intended to ask F'lar for support, but he never found the time prior to Wirenth rising.
After Brekke's Wirenth was killed in a mating battle with Kylara's queen, Prideth, Brekke became catatonic with grief. Desperate, F'nor struggled to keep her from suicide and was faced with the task of making her wish to live again. He vehemently protested putting Brekke on the hatching grounds to re-Impress, but Berd's antics snapped Brekke out of her indifference, and F'nor was able to return to F'lar's side.
While the Weyrs, craftmasters, and Lord Holders squabbled over how to get rid of Thread forever, F'nor and Canth, on their own initiative, decided they had discovered sufficient visual coordinates of the Red Star after looking through the telescope, and they decided they could do a planet-to-planet jump. He and Canth were nearly killed from the raging storms on the red planet but managed to return to Pern, plummeting to the surface. Every dragon in all the Weyrs took wing to ease Canth's battered body to the ground, at which point F'nor was not breathing. Brekke breathed for him, until F'nor could breathe on his own, after which she passed out from relief that she would never be alone again. Canth was described as having every inch of unprotected hide having been scrubbed off as if by sandpaper. F'nor and Canth both survived and recovered. Canth drove all the other dragons crazy as his hide re-grew because he was so itchy all the time.
After Masterharper Robinton's retirement, F'nor traveled to the future site of Cove Hold to assist in building a home for Robinton and to fight Thread when it fell over the area. He occasionally joined in the exploration of Landing and was present when the original colonist ships were discovered. F'nor, like most dragonriders, was a supporter of AIVAS, as it promised the end of Thread.
F'nor and Brekke were madly in love and had two healthy sons together.
F'nor, like all other riders, participated in the mass-evacuation of Pern's coastlines following the Fireball Flood. He and Canth later returned to Monaco Bay Weyr to see the damage done by the tsunami.
Personality and Traits[]
F'nor, like F'lar, had his "head screwed on tighter" than their father ever did. He was not as brash or reckless, but neither was he as calm and contained as was F'lar. He was lighter in heart, cracking small jokes where he felt appropriate. He seemed kinder, though his sense of justice was no less. He was also extremely loyal, even putting his body through stress and strain to report to F'lar from the Southern Continent. It was often mentioned that F'nor helped keep F'lar in check, as F'lar was prone to "rearrange" things to suit himself should F'nor not be there to intervene.
F'nor was described as having the same dark hair and amber eyes as F'lar, though younger in age and appearance. F'nor was said to have a slightly squarer, broader frame than F'lar, though with not enough flesh, giving him an unfinished appearance.