Pern Wiki

Harper Benden Hold

Evarel was a contracted harper at Benden Hold late in the Eighth Interval.


After Evarel, who was crippled with joint-ail, was advised by a healer to rest, Lord Holder Maidir sent a dragon to Harper Hall and entreated Merelan to accept a posting at Benden Hold. After she accepted, she decided that Robinton would go with her.

In later years, when Gennell assigned Robinton to a posting at Benden, Robinton learned that he was to act as journeyman to Evarel, who was planning to retire soon. Lady Hayara told Robinton that, since the holders had been breeding enormous families, Evarel would be very happy to have a trained assistant.

Evarel apologetically asked Robinton if he had any objections to staying in the same room he had shared with his mother during their previous stay at Benden, which turned out to be Evarel's apartment. Since Evarel's spouse had died years ago, he felt odd about having such a large apartment. Robinton agreed, but only because his room had outer wall accommodations, while his inner rooms at High Reaches had been one corridor away from outside.

One of Robinton's assignments was to copy music sheets that Evarel’s pain-wracked hands was not able to keep in good shape.

By Turn's end, Evarel's medical problems were so severe that he decided to reconsider the offer he had received from Nerat, so that he could spend some time in a warmer climate. When it was determined that Evarel would not be returning to Benden, Robinton took over the vacancy.

