Pern Wiki

Teacher Astronomer

Clisser was the College Head and senior of the trained astronomers late in the First Interval and early in the Second Pass.


When Clisser was asked to determine whether or not there was any possibility of a chance collision between Pern and the rogue planet, he first referred to an Aivas report which had been annotated by Captains Ezra Keroon and Jim Tillek during the First Fall, and which included data from the Yokohama’s records regarding the orbit of the Red Planet. Then Clisser repeatedly reworked the relevant equations and determined that the rogue planet would pass Pern on an elliptical orbit that could never alter to a collision course with Pern. Clisser stated that it was all a matter of celestial mechanics and Rukbat's gravitational pull.

During a later conversation with Jemmy, Clisser recommended an item which he felt should be recorded for future generations - the fact that what to do when Threadfall had passed was even more important than what to do while it was happening. Paulin and Clisser then discussed the best methods for passing on vital information to future generations - one of the methods being a Rosetta stone. Further discussion led to the development of the Star Stones.

When Lord Holder of Bitra Hold Chalkin's impeachment was being discussed, Paulin asked Clisser to provide him with a copy of Article Fourteen, "Dereliction of Duty by Lord Holder". Clisser reminded Paulin that the Charter required that a suitable candidate be found from the incumbent's bloodline.

Personality and Traits[]

Clisser had a habit of dropping odd references into conversations, references with which only he was familiar.

He played guitar.

