Brown dragons were one of three colors of male dragons, being subordinate to bronzes but dominant over blues. They were described as the «wheel-horses» of the dragons.
Brown dragons ranged from 50-60 feet in length and could be any shade of brown, from tan to chocolate. They made up approximately 15% of the entire population. Browns were the second-largest male dragon, though some large browns could rival small bronzes in length. They had good stamina, enough to last an entire threadfall, and were reasonably agile. In general, brown dragons were known to be more intelligent than the smaller greens or blues. Brown dragons typically impressed heterosexual men, but were known to impress bisexual or homosexual men as well.
Brown dragons typically mated with green dragons, due to a lack of stamina compared to the larger queens. Brown dragons would occasionally mate with queens early in Pern's history, but it was rare. Browns mating with queens was largely unheard of in the Ninth Pass, though brown rider F'nor believed that his dragon, Canth, could have potentially done so.
Role in the Weyr[]
Riders of brown dragons would occasionally have secondary leadership positions in the Weyr, serving as Wingseconds or Weyrlingmasters. Otherwise, most browns took subordinate positions. Even the position of those who were wingseconds could vary, with those who were Wingseconds to a Weyrleader being in a position of influence, compared to others.
Riders of brown dragons were assigned to fighting wings once their rider was of age and the dragon was mature. As part of the wing, they would typically participate in a large variety of duties, acting as sentries or messengers, or going on Search or patrol. They also participated in fighting Thread when it fell.